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Are the coral calcium claims by bob barefoot credible and believable?.

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[ Coral calcium supreme ]

Coral calcium

Coral calcium testimonials. . HTN's Coral Calcium The main function of your organs and glands is to maintain a state of homeostasis (acid alkaline, metabolic, and nutritional balance) within the body. This balance is especially critical in the fluids both inside and outside the cells and in the blood. The fulcrum to this balance is calcium. The body will simply eliminate too much calcium, but too little calcium creates acid alkaline havoc with the functions of the body and leaves the body susceptible to poor health and over 150 degenerative conditions. HTN's Coral Calcium is currently the best form of ionized calcium that is almost 100% bioavailable and is easily absorbable for use throughout the body to maintain this all important acid alkaline balance. Dr. Kurt D. Grange Biophysiologist Anatomy & Physiology Professor Certified Athletic Medical Trainer Back to the top of the page. HTN's Coral Calcium After an automobile accident several years ago, I developed arthritis in my neck, lower back and hands. I sta coral calcium

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Rted taking HTN's Alka-Line Coral Calcium in October 1995 and was surprised when in about three weeks, my pain and sticky joints were nearly gone. I am more limber and flexible now than I've been in years and my fingers and hands don't become swollen. I have stopped going to my chiropractor. I have also lost over 65 pounds in a six month period. Coral Calcium has also helped me with another problem. Thanks to "Uncle Sam" I was exposed to Agent Orange in Vietnam. For years I have had numerous rashes, sores and boils all over my body. Since taking the Coral Calcium, they have completely gone away. The Agent Orange also caused me to have acute gastritis which can be very painful and extremely embarrassing. For 25 years, the VA prescribed different medications, none of which helped for very long. Since drinking Coral water I have thrown away all the medicines including Zantac. I want to urge all Vietnam veterans with similar problems to try HTN's all natural products. Earnest L. coral calcium

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coral calcium testimonials Ome news for you coral calcium testimonials, and you'll like it". He then proceeded to tell me that he couldn't find any trace of cancer anywhere! I am 70 years old now coral calcium testimonials, and I can still work 8 hours a day coral calcium testimonials, up and down ladders coral calcium testimonials, into crawl spaces and overhead attics and still experience no joint pain! I am in good shape coral calcium testimonials, I feel great and I intend to stay that way! I am telling everyone I see about Coral Calcium. I wait until they remark how good I seem to be for "my age" coral calcium testimonials, and then coral calcium testimonials, I let them have it! Dave Brage coral calcium testimonials, Oregan Back to the top of the page. HTN's Coral Calcium I had problems with my stomach for the past 15 years. I would get stomach pain coral calcium testimonials, gas and tenderness. It wo coral calcium testimonials.

coral calcium testimonials Uld last 2 to 3 days at a time and usually every 2 to 3 weeks would recur. The pains have gotten so bad that my breathing would become shallow. After many tests coral calcium testimonials, the doctors have finally determined that the problems with my stomach were caused by stress coral calcium testimonials, in my case anxiety. When I was introduced to Coral Calcium the problems with my stomach settled down within 2 days and the problems have never come back. Jesse Avalas coral calcium testimonials, Virginia Back to the top of the page. HTN's Coral Calcium I am in my early 20's and one year ago I was devastated to find out that I had cervical cancer. Six months ago I received two radiation implants designed to kill off several tumors. Some of the tumors were unaffected by the treatment coral calcium testimonials, leaving a strong possibility that the cancer would spread. Three months ago I started drinking Coral Calcium water in the hope it might help my condition. I drank it fairly consistently during the whole three months. I had a radical hysterectomy 2 weeks ago. During the operation coral calcium testimonials, the doctors were surprised to find that the cancer had not spread. Had it spread coral calcium testimonials, it would have been my death warrant. I sincerely believe coral calcium testimonials, that the change in my body fluid's pH coral calcium testimonials, to a more alkaline level (results of Coral Calcium consumption) coral calcium testimonials, is what stopped the spread of my cancer. Tracy Green coral calcium testimonials, New Jersey Back to the top of the page.

coral calcium testimonials of the tumors were unaffected by the treatment coral calcium testimonials, leaving a strong possibility that the cancer would spread. Three months ago I started drinking Coral Calcium water in the hope it might help my condition. I drank it fairly consistently during the whole three months. I had a radical hysterectomy 2 weeks ago. During the operation coral calcium testimonials, the doctors were surprised to find that the cancer had not spread. Had it spread coral calcium testimonials, it would have been my death warrant. I sincerely believe coral calcium testimonials, that the change in my body fluid's pH coral calcium testimonials, to a more alkaline level (results of Coral Calcium consumption) coral calcium testimonials, is what stopped the spread of my cancer. Tracy Green coral calcium testimonials, New Jersey Back to the top of the page..

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coral calcium testimonials
Ter statement turned out to be prophetic. In June 2003, ConsumerLab reported that Bob Barefoot's Coral Calcium Supreme contains 2.5 micrograms of lead per gram of calcium 22 . This might not pose a physical threat (except, perhaps, to a developing child when taken by a woman who is pregnant or breastfeeding). However, there is no logical reason take the product when many other calcium supplements have a lower lead level. California requires that products exceeding the "no significant risk level" of 1.5 micrograms of lead provide a warning label& 8212;which Barefoot's product does not. Government Action The outrageous nature of Barefoot's claims has triggered regulatory action here and abroad. In June 2003, the United Kingdom's Independent Television Commission (ITC) announced that it had levied a £60,000 fine on the television shopping channel, Shop America (a subsidiary of Trustar Global Media) for several breaches of the ITC's Advertising Code. The main offense was an ad which claimed that Bob Barefoot's Coral Calcium Supreme could help reverse cancer and other serious diseases and could benefit everyone, including babies. The penalty also covered misleading ads for the Fresh Start diet plan and a golfing product 23 . One week later, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission charged Barefoot, Trudeau, Shop America (USA), and Deonna Enterprises with making unsubstantiated claims that "go far beyond existing scientific evidence regarding the recognized health benefits of coral calcium." The FTC filed suit in Chicago federal court abd quickly obtiained a te

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[ Coral calcium supreme ]

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Coral calcium testimonials Coral Calcium may help people suffering from Cancer, Diabetes, Arthritis. I have been taking coral calcium for about 3 months. coral calcium supplement- 100% okinawa coral from upforlife the ...

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