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Coral calcium fact. Im and his history at this wikipedia article. Also, there is a much more in depth discussion about coral calcium at on their article about coral calcium. Side Effects of Calcium? The limit for consuming calcium is roughly 2.5 grams per day. However, consuming more than 1,500 mg is not thought to provide any further benefit in comparison to intakes of 1,200 mg and 1,500 mg. Side effects of calcium are very rare; however, they may occur at higher intake levels (2). Compared to calcium gluconate, calcium carbonate, or a commercial product such as Tums, calcium citrate may cause less stomach discomfort and may also increase absorption of iron (9). Calcium may interfere with iron absorption and many meals that contain iron also contain high amounts of calcium. So, if you are going to take iron supplements, then do not around the time of eating calcium containing foods. A good time would be right before bed (5). It may also be wise to take calcium with vitamin D. Currently est coral calcium

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Imated to be around 800 IU, Vitamin D increases calcium uptake. Consuming excess amounts of salt, meat, alcohol, and coffee may inhibit the absorption of calcium (9). References: (1) "Dietary Reference Intakes: Elements." <http: Object.File Master 7 294 0.pdf> (2) “Calcium.” Supplement Watch. 28 Dec, 2005. <http: suplib supplement.asp?DocId=1153&templateId=100>. (3) Bertone-Johnson, ER, et al. Calcium and vitamin D intake and risk of incident premenstrual syndrome. Arch Intern Med. 2005 Jun 13;165(11):1246-52. (4) Celotti, F, et al. Dietary calcium and mineral vitamin supplementation: a controversial problem. J Int Med Res. 1999 Jan-Feb;27(1):1-14. (5) Halberg, L, et al. Does calcium interfere with iron absorption (editorial). Am J Clin Nutr 1998;63:3. (6) Heaney, RP, et al. Calcium nutrition and bone health in the elderly. Am J Clin Nutr 1982;36:986. (7) Heaney, RP, et al. Calcium, dairy products and osteoporosis. J coral calcium

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coral calcium fact to "unmask" the calcium deficiency (21). In one study done on healthy coral calcium fact, premenopausal women between the ages of 18 and 45 years recruited nationally across the United States coral calcium fact, "Calcium supplementation is a simple and effective treatment in premenstrual syndrome coral calcium fact, resulting in a major reduction in overall luteal phase symptoms” (1200 mg day of calcium for 3 menstrual cycles) (20). Another study agrees with this coral calcium fact, suggesting that a high intake of calcium and vitamin D may reduce the risk of PMS; however coral calcium fact, it also warrants that more studies need to be conducted in order to further verify calcium’s effect on PMS (3). Calcium and Colon Canc coral calcium fact.

coral calcium fact Er The amount of calcium one consumes may be a risk factor as to whether or not they will develop colon cancer. In one study coral calcium fact, Wu and other authors explained that more calcium generally equals a lower risk of “distal” colon cancer; however coral calcium fact, they also explained how there seems to be a point of calcium consumption when consuming more calcium than necessary may not reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. Wu and the other authors also warranted that “future investigations on this association should concentrate on specific cancer subsites and on the dose-response relationship” (23). One study that investigates these subsites showed that calcium supplementation may have a more prominent effect on advanced lesions of the colon than any other type of polyp (22). Another study agrees that calcium may reduce the risk of colon cancer; in fact coral calcium fact, the authors stated that dairy foods coral calcium fact, which obviously contain calcium coral calcium fact, may have this same benefit (8). Fetal Bone Health According to one study coral calcium fact, for pregnant women in the second or third trimesters with low dietary calcium intake coral calcium fact, supplementation of calcium of up to about 2 grams per day can increase the mineralization of the bones of their fetus; however coral calcium fact, women who already have an adequate supply of calcium from their diet are not likely to cause any signif.

coral calcium fact Calcium supplementation may have a more prominent effect on advanced lesions of the colon than any other type of polyp (22). Another study agrees that calcium may reduce the risk of colon cancer; in fact coral calcium fact, the authors stated that dairy foods coral calcium fact, which obviously contain calcium coral calcium fact, may have this same benefit (8). Fetal Bone Health According to one study coral calcium fact, for pregnant women in the second or third trimesters with low dietary calcium intake coral calcium fact, supplementation of calcium of up to about 2 grams per day can increase the mineralization of the bones of their fetus; however coral calcium fact, women who already have an adequate supply of calcium from their diet are not likely to cause any signifi.

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Roduct or any other coral calcium product or dietary supplement. The defendants are required to recall any product packaging that makes these claims and to notify resellers and distributors of their products about the FTC's action. The FTC is allowed to recover all of Robert Barefoot's royalties associated with Coral Calcium Supreme infomercial marketing. The case against Kevin Trudeau and his companies is still pending. In related efforts, the FTC and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent warning letters to Web site operators making similar claims about coral calcium products. The agencies warned the operators to remove any false or deceptive claims from their Web sites immediately. Advice to Consumers Consumers should be aware that claims that coral calcium can treat or cure cancer, multiple sclerosis, lupus, heart disease, or high blood pressure are not supported by existing scientific evidence. These claims go far beyond the existing scientific evidence regarding the recognized health benefits of calcium. Consumers should discuss their use of dietary supplements with health care providers during their regularly scheduled visits. More Information FTC Press Releases ( opa 2004 01 barefoot.htm) (1 22 2004) ( opa 2003 06 trudeau.htm) (6 10 2003 FTC Complaint ( os 2003 06 coralcalciumcmp.pdf) (PDF) (6 10 2003) FTC Warning Letter to Internet Advertisers ( opa 2003 06 coralCaletter.htm) (6 10 2003) Note: The PDF file requires a viewer such as Adobe Reader, which you can download free of charge from the Adobe Web site. Date Reviewed

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