Sango coral calcium. Sango coral calcium. Mineral of miracles, the story of sango coral calcium.

Sango coral calcium.

The truth about sango coral calcium...

Sango coral calcium. Ook of Records In 1979, a British journalist from the Guinness Book of Records went on assignment to the islands of Okinawa and Tokumoshima off the coast of Japan to interview Shigechiyo Isumi, the world's oldest documented living person. What he found was man 115 years old with remarkably good health and vitality who had worked until the age of 105. Investigating further, the journalist discovered Mr. Isumi was not the exception. Most of the islands' inhabitants were physically fit, had low incidences of serious illness, and enjoyed long health life-span. Interested in studying this further, the journalist persuaded Mr. Isumi to submit to a medical checkup. the results were even more amazing. How could a person of his age possibly be so healthy? Soon, a team of researchers arrived and made an important discovery. They found that all the islanders had one thing in common. The water they drank was different than water found anywhere else in the world! Amazingly, Mr. Isumi lived healthy sango coral

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Until the age of 121 when he died of pneumonia. Sango Coral is the only coral out of 2,500 species with the unique purification quality. The key was to find why the water was so pure. They learned these particular islands were built up from the coral reefs like so many other islands. but there was a difference. These coral reefs weren't found anywhere else in the world. The reefs were Sango Coral, the only coral out of 2,500 species with unique filtering qualities. A study of Sango Coral show it is composed of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, trace mineral and many other microscopic elements essential ho human life. The composition of the Sango coral is identical to that of the human skeleton and is widely used for bone grafts throughout the world."1. Since this discovery, the search for the fountain of youth has become a fad. If you search the internet for "coral calcium" you will find hundreds of sites for coral calcium. Everyone and his brother have clamored to sango coral

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sango coral calcium Do much good 20 years ago? Facts: "The Japanese government controls the mining of Sango Coral." 1. "For over two decades the Japanese government in Okinawa sango coral calcium, Japan has controlled and mined the fossilized coral sands that have accumulated on the sea floor around the islands..." 2. A unique process was researched sango coral calcium, developed sango coral calcium, and patented by Mr. Nobuo Someya to process the Sago Coral sand that preserves all its minerals and trace elements which purify the water just as it does in cleaning p the toxins form the ocean." 3. The process is patented in Japan sango coral calcium, United States sango coral calcium, and several other countries world wide. 4. Health Thru Nutrition Co. sango coral calcium.

sango coral calcium Has been granted exclusive rights to market and sell the Sango Coral Calcium in the United States. 5. Sango Coral Calcium is the ionic coral calcium supplement. It is not a colloidal mineral. The ionic calcium is completely bio-availabile as opposed to may colloidal products. Click here for the difference between ionic vs. colloidal. The solution--alka-line coral Calcium. Order here or go below to save even more! Alka-LineTM Coral Calcium (with silver) Product 1500 shown above-- a one month supply of 30 1 gram bags. Easy to use. Just drop a bag into 1 1 2 quarts of water sango coral calcium, shake sango coral calcium, wait 15 minutes and drink. $40.00 Alka-LineTM Coral Calcium Product 1119 (without silver) sango coral calcium, a one month supply of 30 sango coral calcium, 1 gram bags. $37.50 Water Bottle 1 1 2 quarts shown above $4.95 Save even More--Join the auto ship program and save up to $12-13 per month depending on which option you choose. Click here to join as a distributor--don't worry you don't have to sell anything--it just saves you about $12 or $13 per month and you only have to give them your social security number to qualify. Of course sango coral calcium, if indeed you love the product as I do and many others sango coral calcium, you may want to share it with others and by doing so sango coral calcium, you will qualify for commissions. Or click here to join as a preferred customer and you'll save on the shipping and order charge each .

sango coral calcium silver) sango coral calcium, a one month supply of 30 sango coral calcium, 1 gram bags. $37.50 Water Bottle 1 1 2 quarts shown above $4.95 Save even More--Join the auto ship program and save up to $12-13 per month depending on which option you choose. Click here to join as a distributor--don't worry you don't have to sell anything--it just saves you about $12 or $13 per month and you only have to give them your social security number to qualify. Of course sango coral calcium, if indeed you love the product as I do and many others sango coral calcium, you may want to share it with others and by doing so sango coral calcium, you will qualify for commissions. Or click here to join as a preferred customer and you'll save on the shipping and order charge each m.

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Orbed as well. Why you need coral minerals. . . .Minerals make up the basic foundation of health. Our soils have become depleted of minerals ... thus, our foods and our bodies have become mineral deficient. Coral naturally contains every mineral found in the body and unlike most mineral supplements, coral minerals are easily absorbed and really work. I started taking Coral Calcium after getting not-so-good results of a bone density test.It has also tremendously helped my arthritis, diabetes and energy levels.Diane N., Georgia I was very skeptical at first when my friends talked about it my Coral Calciumis the first thing I take every morning. I won't leave home without it !Dottie M., California ONE bottle Sango CORAL CALCIUM....90 caps . . . . $13.95. . . THREE bottles Sango CORAL CALCIUM....90 caps each . . . . $39.95. . . . . . 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