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Ericssons alka-mine coral calcium

Ericssons coral calcium. Um Coral Calcium is the lost secret of the world's oldest man. The secret was discovered two decades ago when Guinness Book of World Records sent a journalist to interview the world's oldest documented living man, Shigechiyo Izumi, who lived on the Japanese island Tokunoshima. Mr. Izumi was a sprightly 115-year old man at the time of the interview, and had retired a short 10 years earlier! But what amazed the reported the most was the average advanced age of the population; seldom did one die in this society before the age of 95! Even the very old were active and healthy. A team of researchers discovered that the secret was not in the climate, nor was it in their diet or their lifestyle. The explanation for their health and longevity was actually in the water. The island has been built up over the centuries from Sango coral reefs. When rain percolates down through the coral and finds its way into the populations drinking water, it is infused with the ionic minerals - mostly ionic calci ericssons coral

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Um - which make the water very alkaline and very healthy. The water then causes the body fluids to be very alkaline, and free of disease! Today over 4 million Japanese use Coral Calcium daily. The message has spread like wildfire across Europe and has exploded into North America, with life-changing testimonials of its benefits pouring in daily. How Does It Work? By adding Coral Calcium to water, it infuses the water with ionic calcium and other marine minerals in a combination necessary for optimal healthy blood; neutralizes impurities that may exist in the water; and pH balances the water. Alka-Mine Coral Calcium simply balances your body's pH, which encourages detoxification. It also adds essential minerals and hinders toxic buildup. In other words, it helps to wash out the bad elements and replaces them with good, healthy elements. Ingredients Calcium- and magnesium Carbonate 994 mg L-ascorbic acid 5 mg Metallic silver 1 mg Plus over 70 other trace minerals 100% Absorbable Ionic Cal ericssons coral

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ericssons coral calcium Ttp: coral.html --> Ericssons Alka-Mine Coral Calcium A:hover A _private header.htm Ericssons Alka-Mine Coral Calcium Coral Calcium is the lost secret of the world's oldest man. The secret was discovered two decades ago when Guinness Book of World Records sent a journalist to interview the world's oldest documented living man ericssons coral calcium, Shigechiyo Izumi ericssons coral calcium, who lived on the Japanese island Tokunoshima. Mr. Izumi was a sprightly 115-year old man at the time of the interview ericssons coral calcium, and had retired a short 10 years earlier! But what amazed the reported the most was the average advanced age of the population; seldom did one die in this society before the age o ericssons coral calcium.

ericssons coral calcium F 95! Even the very old were active and healthy. A team of researchers discovered that the secret was not in the climate ericssons coral calcium, nor was it in their diet or their lifestyle. The explanation for their health and longevity was actually in the water. The island has been built up over the centuries from Sango coral reefs. When rain percolates down through the coral and finds its way into the populations drinking water ericssons coral calcium, it is infused with the ionic minerals - mostly ionic calcium - which make the water very alkaline and very healthy. The water then causes the body fluids to be very alkaline ericssons coral calcium, and free of disease! Today over 4 million Japanese use Coral Calcium daily. The message has spread like wildfire across Europe and has exploded into North America ericssons coral calcium, with life-changing testimonials of its benefits pouring in daily. How Does It Work? By adding Coral Calcium to water ericssons coral calcium, it infuses the water with ionic calcium and other marine minerals in a combination necessary for optimal healthy blood; neutralizes impurities that may exist in the water; and pH balances the water. Alka-Mine Coral Calcium simply balances your body's pH ericssons coral calcium, which encourages detoxification. It also adds essential minerals and hinders toxic buildup. In other words ericssons coral calcium, it helps to wash out the bad elements and replaces them with good ericssons coral calcium, healthy elements. Ingredients Calc.

ericssons coral calcium Message has spread like wildfire across Europe and has exploded into North America ericssons coral calcium, with life-changing testimonials of its benefits pouring in daily. How Does It Work? By adding Coral Calcium to water ericssons coral calcium, it infuses the water with ionic calcium and other marine minerals in a combination necessary for optimal healthy blood; neutralizes impurities that may exist in the water; and pH balances the water. Alka-Mine Coral Calcium simply balances your body's pH ericssons coral calcium, which encourages detoxification. It also adds essential minerals and hinders toxic buildup. In other words ericssons coral calcium, it helps to wash out the bad elements and replaces them with good ericssons coral calcium, healthy elements. Ingredients Calci.

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cancer, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia, migraines, chronic fatigue, heart problems, chronic pain, etc. - is caused by an acidic body environment. Poor diet, purified or demineralized water, physical, emotional and spiritual stress, all cause the body to overproduce acid waste. Ericssons Coral Calcium from KingsWay has over 70 natural ionic minerals that go directly to the blood and detoxify the body of this acidic waste. Did you know that most purified water, (including reverse osmosis and distilled water is acidic? However, adding Ericssons Coral Calcium to your water raises the pH to over 8.5, creating a healthy, alkaline body environment."> HOME PAGE History Of Coral Calcium Your pH Determines Your Health Structured Water Research on Coral Calcium Live Blood Cell Analysis The Shocking News About Purified Water History of Coral Calcium The Story of the World's Oldest Man Coral Calcium was discovered in 1979 when a British journalist from the Guinness Book of Records was sent to Okinawa, Japan, to interview Shigechiyo Izumi, the world's oldest documented living person, who at the time was an energetic 115 years old and in remarkably good health. He was a vibrant, healthy man who retired only 10 years before the interview. The journalist was astonished, especially when he began noticing that much of Okinawa's elderly population was in fabulous health. A team of researchers came to the island to find out how a 115-year-old man could be so healthy, and they made some amazing discoveries. They found that neither the climate nor the diet of Okinawa was the secret to longevity; rat 890) ? 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